Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mini handbag fondant cupcakes

This fondant cupcakes is ordered by Kurt for his wife Amrina. He siap pesan "Akak buat yg comei comei cute cute sikit tau! Am suka benda comel2 nie." So i buat la mini hand bag to put on top of the cupcakes. He intended it as a surprise for her but somehow I dgn blurnyer pegi bagi terus kat Am. Takpe, it's the thought that counts. :D

Wedding Fondant Cupcakes

Wedding cupcakes is ordered for a wedding . She want the combination of green and yellow/orange and also white and yellow/orange.

Fondant Bday Cake

Fondant cupcakes ni di order by jiran Naj. Aunty Liza for her daughter's birthday.
She wants white plus pink theme.

Sehari after that she called me back. Terketar la jugak takut2 kek tak sedap ker aper ker, rupanya nak repeat order :D. She said cupcakes semua dah habis dimakan. She want to order some more for her daughter to bring back to her hostel. This time her daughter wants alphabet on each cake.

Strawberry Chocolate Ganache

This Strawberry Chocolate Ganache is personally my favourite. Yummy.. I love the chocolate cake with the ganache as the topping plus the fresh strawberry. Just purrrfect!

Various Design...

Cupcakes ni di buat masa I gi belajar dekat Cake Connection in PJ.
Learnt lots of tips for making great cupcakes ;)


Elmo Theme Buttercream
Kak Ngah ordered for her friend's friend :D

Barney and friends

Barney and Friend Theme
Ordered by Waheeda for her daughter's first birthday

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